So I got a chance to try this one out. I’ve written auto-suggest boxes in GXT and plain old JS and while its a little harder to get the same level of control and customization ,CF8’s autosuggest is pretty neat for most simple use-cases and for those wanting to whip up an app quickly. I know CF9 has much better handles to the autosuggest object (looking forward to that here's a preview), but till then goes!
Here’s an example of a user looking up an employee by last name.
In this example I use 2 files: one (loopkup.cfm) to display the autosuggest box and the other (a CFC ,MCRequestServer.cfc) to fetch data for it.
First the auto-suggest box code:
1: <!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.01 transitional//en" "">2: <html>3: <head>4: <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">5: <title>Search Trainees</title>6: <link href="AppStyles.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />7: <script>8: /**
9: * This method handles all bind errors. I'm just alerting.10: * args:11: * i. HTTPStatusCode- Error Code.number12: * ii.message- any message you want to display13: */14: function handleBindError(HTTPStatusCode,message)15: {16: alert("Error Code: "+HTTPStatusCode+":\n"+message);17: }18: /**
19: * This method attaches an itemSelect event handler to handle20: * selections (using both mouse and keys).Called by ajaxOnLoad below.21: */22: var init = function()23: {24: /** get the autosuggest object */25: autosuggestobj = ColdFusion.objectCache['TraineeSearchBox'];26: /** attache an itemselect event handler*/27: autosuggestobj.itemSelectEvent.subscribe(handleSelection);28: }29: /**
30: * This method handles all selections from the autosuggest list31: * arg-32: * i. event-the event name. in this case "itemSelect"33: * ii.args- an array with the follwing data34: * args[0]- Name/ID of the autocomplete component35: * args[1]- The actual <LI> element that the user selected36: * args[2]- The value selected.37: */38: var handleSelection = function(event,args)39: {40: /** Display selection, you could do ur custom code here */41: document.getElementById("SearchTraineeSpan").innerHTML=args[2];42: }43: </script>44: </head>45: <body bgcolor="beige">46: <cfform>47: <cfinput type="text"48: name="TraineeSearchBox"49: autosuggest="cfc:MCRequestServer.getEmployeesByLastName({cfautosuggestvalue})"50: onbinderror="handleBindError"51: showautosuggestloadingicon="true"52: autoSuggestMinLength="1"53: tooltip="Type employee last name"54: onclick="this.value=''"55: />56: <!--- Causes the specified JavaScript function to run when the page loads. --->57: <cfset ajaxOnLoad("init")>58: <br>59: <span id="SearchTraineeSpan"></span>60: </cfform>61:62: </body>63: </html>64:
Couple of points to note:
1. The below line binds the textbox to a CFC called MCRequestServer and more specifically, a function called getEmployeesByLastName(). The argument cfautosuggestvalue is a CF keyword which represents the text the user entered in the textbox.
1: autosuggest="cfc:MCRequestServer.getEmployeesByLastName({cfautosuggestvalue})"
2. The below line causes the specified JavaScript function init() to run when the page loads. This is to avoid timing issues.
1: <cfset ajaxOnLoad("init")>
And here is the second file MCRequestServer.cfc. It just returns an array fo employee names.
1: <cfcomponent displayname="MCRequestServer" hint="Handles all bind requests" output="false">2:3: <cffunction name="getEmployeesByLastName" displayname="getEmployeesByLastName" access="remote" output="false" returntype="array">4: <cfargument name="suggestvalue" required="true" />5: <!--- The function must return suggestions as an array. --->6: <cfset var EmplNamesArray = ArrayNew(1) />7: <cftry>8: <!--- Get all unique last names that match the typed characters. --->9: <cfstoredproc datasource="DB" procedure="getMatchingEmployees" >10: <cfprocparam type="in" dbvarname="@LastName" cfsqltype="CF_SQL_VARCHAR" value="#arguments.suggestvalue#" >11: <!--- Out variable --->12: <cfprocresult name="rsEmplnames">13: </cfstoredproc>14: <!--- Convert the query to an array. --->15: <cfloop query="rsEmplnames">16: <cfset arrayAppend(EmplNamesArray, Lastname & ", " & FirstName ) />17: </cfloop>18: <cfreturn EmplNamesArray />19: <cfcatch type="any">20: <cfset arrayAppend(EmplNamesArray, "Error occurred") />21: <cfreturn EmplNamesArray />22: </cfcatch>23: </cftry>24: </cffunction>25:26:27: </cfcomponent>28:
Very cool !!!!!!!!!!