Here’s a little utility SP I wrote which searches all stored procedures in all databases in your SQL Server Instance for an input string.
In SQL Server Management Studio 2008 there is an option to do filtered searches but it only look inside the selected database. Now honestly I am not sure you should be in a position where you would want to search stored procedures across Databases, but if you do find the need, hope this is useful!
If you compile this utility into DB1, then simply say :
EXEC DB1..sp_SearchInSPs 'mySearchString'
[UPDATE:]Download Link:
1: SET ANSI_NULLS ON2: GO3: SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON4: GO5: -- =============================================
6: -- Author: Sajjan Sarkar with help of SungUngKim
7: -- Create date: April 26, 2011
8: -- Description: stored procedure to search all SPs for a given string in ALL databases.
9: -- =============================================
10: -- Sample to run
11: --EXEC DB1..sp_SearchInSPs 'BillingOvertimeCalcFactor'
12:13: ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_SearchInSPs]14: (15: -- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here
16: @SearchString VARCHAR(100) = ''17: )18: AS19: BEGIN20: --Declare
21: DECLARE @SString NVARCHAR(50)22: DECLARE @getdbname SYSNAME23: DECLARE @sqlstm NVARCHAR(1000)24: CREATE TABLE #tmp25: (26: DBName VARCHAR(100) ,27: SPName VARCHAR(100)28: )29: DECLARE dbname CURSOR30: FOR31: --get all the names of the Databases in order by name
32: SELECT '[' + name + ']'33: FROM master.dbo.sysdatabases34: ORDER BY name35: OPEN dbname36:37: --Get the first Name
38: FETCH NEXT FROM dbname INTO @getdbname39:40: WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 041: BEGIN42: PRINT @getdbname43: --set the search string
44: SET @SString = @SearchString45:46: --append the search pattern
47: SET @SString = '%' + @SString + '%'48: SET @sqlstm = 'SELECT DISTINCT ''' + @getdbname + ''',49: s.name50: FROM ' + @getdbname + '.dbo.syscomments c51: INNER JOIN ' + @getdbname + '.dbo.sysobjects s52: ON = s.id53: WHERE s.type IN ( ''p'', ''tr'' )54: AND c.text LIKE ''%'+@SString+'%''55: ORDER BY [Name]'56:57:58: --Execute the Query
59: INSERT INTO #tmp60: EXEC ( @sqlstm61: )62: FETCH NEXT FROM dbname INTO @getdbname63: END64:65: --Close the Cursor and Deallocate it from memory
66: CLOSE dbname67: DEALLOCATE dbname68:69: SELECT *70: FROM #tmp AS T71: DROP TABLE #tmp72:73: END74:
Thanks for the code snippet, is there an easy way to download it? I ended up copying and pasting and then cleaning up the line numbers.
ReplyDeleteYou're welcome, give a few minutes Ill upload a link to it. :)
ReplyDelete@Schoon: Updated the blog with a download link. Thanks for the input!
ReplyDeleteWorks well , thanks.the good news is that this doesnt have to live in master.
ReplyDeleteGlad it helped :)